Spanish Flashcards

Spanish Verbs

reunir (rreyoo-neer)
to gather; to collect

Spanish Verbs

reunirse (rreyoo-neer-seh)
to meet; to get together

Spanish Verbs

sentir (sehn-teer)
to feel; to sense

Spanish Verbs

ponerse (poh-nehr-seh)
to put on (clothes); to become (an emotion)

Spanish Verbs

olerse (oh-lehr-seh)
to suspect (coll.)

Spanish Phrases

hacerse el loco
"to pretend to not know what you have to do"

Spanish Phrases

estar a punto de (ehs-tahr ah poon-toh deh); estar por (ehs-tahr pohr)
"to be about to (do something)"

Spanish Nouns

el supuesto (soo-pwehs-toh)
the hypothesis

Spanish Nouns

la conmoción (kohn-moh-syohn)
the shock

Spanish Adjectives

atinado/a (ah-tee-nah-doh)
right on; wide; pertinent; correct

Spanish Verbs

picar (pee-kahr)
to itch

Spanish Verbs

arañar (ah-rah-nyahr)
to scratch; to scrape together

Spanish Phrases

Me siento a gusto
"I feel at ease"; "I feel comfortable"

Spanish Phrases

conformarse con...
"to settle for..."

Spanish Adverbs

antaño (ahn-tah-nyoh)
in days gone by

Spanish Verbs

alucinar (ah-loo-see-nahr)
to hallucinate; to be out of one's mind

Spanish Verbs

cabrearse (kah-breh-ahr-seh)
to get pissed off

Spanish Verbs

afligir (ah-flee-heer)
to upset

Spanish Adjectives

mostaza (mohs-tah-sah)
mustard (adj.)

Spanish Food

la mostaza (mohs-tah-sah)
the mustard

Spanish Nouns

la lejía (leh-hee-ah)
the bleach

Spanish Nouns

la contundencia (kohn-toon-dehn-syah); la rotundidad
the forcefulness; the force

Spanish Verbs

presuponer (preh-soo-poh-nehr)
to assume; to presuppose

Spanish Verbs

decantarse (deh-kahn-tahr-seh); optar (ohp-tahr)
to opt for

Spanish Nouns

el desfalco (dehs-fahl-koh)
the embezzlement