Spanish Flashcards

Spanish Nouns

la papilla (pah-pee-yah)
the baby food

Spanish Verbs

indagar (een-dah-gahr); investigar (eem-behs-tee-gahr)
to investigate

Spanish Food

el bollo (boh-yoh)
the bun

Spanish Nouns

la extrañeza (ehks-trah-nyeh-sah); la sorpresa (sohr-preh-sah)
the surprise

Spanish Nouns

la tergiversación (tehr-hee-behr-sah-syohn); la distorsión
the distortion

Spanish Adjectives

diminuto/a (dee-mee-noo-toh)

Spanish Adjectives

estupendo/a (ehs-too-pehn-doh)
great; marvelous

Spanish Adjectives

primordial (pree-mohr-dyahl); fundamental (foon-dah-mehn-tahl)
essential; fundamental

Spanish Adjectives

inmundo/a (een-moon-doh)

Spanish Adjectives

impecable (eem-peh-kah-bleh)
immaculate; impecable

Spanish Adjectives

furioso/a (foo-ryoh-soh)

Spanish Adjectives

arduo/a (ahr-dwoh)

Spanish Phrases

perdón; perdóname
"Sorry"; "forgive me"

Spanish Phrases

lo lamento mucho
I am very sorry (in response to something serious, such as a death)

Spanish Verbs

apenar (ah-peh-nahr)
to grieve; to sadden

Spanish Verbs

to be sorry; to be saddened

Spanish Nouns

el anhelo (ahn-eh-loh)
the desire

Spanish Body

la ojera (oh-heh-rah)
the bag under the eyes

Spanish Adjectives

despectivo/a (dehs-pehk-tee-boh)
contemptuous; disparaging

Spanish Adjectives

hiriente (ee-ryehn-teh)

Spanish Verbs

saberse (sah-behr-seh)
to know something by heart; to have something memorised

Spanish Verbs

portar (pohr-tahr)
to carry; to wear (an accessory)

Spanish Verbs

portarse (pohr-tahr-seh); comportarse (kohm-pohr-tahr-seh)
to behave

Spanish Verbs

arreglarse (ah-rreh-glahr-seh)
to get ready; to get tidied up

Spanish Nouns

la bombilla (bohm-bee-yah)
the light bulb