Spanish Flashcards

Spanish Nouns

el puño
the fist

Spanish Phrases

por si las moscas
"just in case" (coll.)

Spanish Verbs

salpicar (sahl-pee-kahr)
to splash; to taint

Spanish Verbs

sobrepasar (soh-breh-pah-sahr)
to exceed; to be too much for

Spanish Verbs

aguzar (ah-goo-sahr); agudizar (ah-goo-dee-sahr)
To Sharpen; to intensify

Spanish Verbs

amontonar (ah-mohn-toh-nahr)
To pile up; to heap

Spanish Verbs

rebobinar (rreh-boh-bee-nahr)
To rewind

Spanish Verbs

colmar (kohl-mahr)
to fill to the brim

Spanish Verbs

enervar (eh-nehr-bahr)
to exasperate

Spanish Verbs

deparar (deh-pah-rahr)
to have in store; to provide

Spanish Nouns

la hora pico; la hora punta
the peak hour

Spanish Phrases

parece mentira que
"it's unbelievable that..."

Spanish Nouns

el manantial (mah-nahn-tyahl)
the spring (body of water)

Spanish Nouns

el cordón (kohr-dohn)
the shoelace

Spanish Nouns

la calavera (kah-lah-beh-rah)
the skull

Spanish Nouns

la cremallera (kreh-mah-yeh-rah)
the zipper

Spanish Adjectives

valioso/a (bah-lyoh-soh)

Spanish Verbs

concienciar (kohn-syehn-syahr)
to make aware; to raise awareness

Spanish Nouns

el rebato (rreh-bah-toh)
the alarm

Spanish Verbs

encarnar (ehn-kahr-nahr)
to embody; to play (a role)

Spanish Nouns

el empeño (ehm-peh-nyoh)
the determination

Spanish Verbs

destellar (dehs-teh-yahr)
to sparkle

Spanish Verbs

canjear (kahng-heh-ahr); intercambiar (een-tehrr-kahm-byahr)
to exchange; to trade