Spanish Flashcards

Spanish Phrases

Otra vez, por favor
"One more time, please"

Spanish Phrases

Me he quedado a cuadros
"I'm dumbfounded"

Spanish Nouns

la pinza (peen-sah)
the clothes peg

Spanish Fill In The Blank

Me faltan 100 dolares para comprar el libro que quiero
"I need a hundred dollars to buy the book that I want" (nb. use "faltarse")

Spanish Phrases

les hacen falta unos tacos
"they need some tacos" (nb. use hacer falta)

Spanish Phrases

mi hermana le faltó el respeto al profesor
"my sister was disrespectful to the teacher"

Spanish Nouns

el anfitrión, la anfitriona (ahn-fee-tryohn)
the host

Spanish Phrases

más tarde de lo previsto
"later than planned"

Spanish Phrases

¿Puedes hablar más fuerte? No te escucho bien
Can you speak louder? I can't hear you well.

Spanish Phrases

"hasta ahora todo bien"
"so far so good"

Spanish Adjectives

minced; full of holes

Spanish Food

las albóndigas
the meatballs

Spanish Food

La berenjena
the eggplant

Spanish Food

Las moras
the blackberries

Spanish Food

Los arándanos
the blueberries

Spanish Food

la nata (nah-tah); la crema (kreh-mah)
the cream

Spanish Food

la ginebra (hee-neh-brah)
the gin

Spanish Nouns

el mote (moh-teh); el apodo (ah-poh-doh)
the nickname

Spanish Phrases

le dije; se lo dije
"I told her (him)"

Spanish Phrases

tal lugar no existe; Yo jamás dije tal cosa
"Such a place does not exist"; "I never said such a thing"

Spanish Phrases

con tal de que traigas el pastel para la fiesta
"As long as you bring the cake for the party"

Spanish Phrases

Te quiero tal como eres; te quiero tal y como eres
"I love you just the way you are"

Spanish Verbs

interponer (een-tehr-poh-nehr)
to interpose (to place between other things)

Spanish Food

el hongo (ohng-goh); la seta (seh-tah)
the mushroom

Spanish Nouns

el/la ahijado/a (ay-hah-doh)
the god-son/god-daughter