Spanish Flashcards

Spanish Nouns

el gimnasio (heem-nah-syoh)
the gymnasium

Spanish Nouns

el hipódromo (ee-poh-droh-moh)
the racecourse

Spanish Adjectives

desafinado/a (dehs-ah-fee-nah-doh)
out of tune

Spanish Nouns

el cimiento (see-myehn-toh)
the foundation (architecture)

Spanish Nouns

el llanto (yahn-toh)
the crying

Spanish Nouns

el alboroto (ahl-boh-roh-toh)
the racket; the commotion

Spanish Nouns

zafarse (sah-fahr-seh); escapar (ehs-kah-pahr)
to escape; to get out of

Spanish Verbs

emboscar (ehm-bohs-kahr)
to ambush

Spanish Verbs

saborear (sah-boh-reh-ahr)
to savor; to taste

Spanish Verbs

ronronear (rrohn-rroh-neh-ahr)
to purr

Spanish Nouns

un seto (seh-toh)
a hedge

Spanish Nouns

la tersura (tehr-soo-rah)
the smoothness

Spanish Nouns

la desdicha (dehs-dee-chah)
the unhappiness; the misfortune

Spanish Nouns

la desigualdad (dehs-ee-gwahl-dahd)
the inequality

Spanish Verbs

anteponer (ahn-teh-poh-nehr)
to put before

Spanish Verbs

convalidar (kohn-bah-lee-dahr)
To validate; to accept

Spanish Verbs

culturizar; educar (eh-doo-kahr)
to educate

Spanish Nouns

los primeros auxilios (pree-meh-rohs owk-see-lyohs)
the first aid

Spanish Nouns

el botiquín de primeros auxilios (boh-tee-keen deh pree-meh-rohs owk-see-lyohs)
the first aid kit

Spanish Verbs

soñar despierto (soh-nyahr dehs-pyehr-toh)
to daydream

Spanish Nouns

un lastre (lahs-treh)
a burden; a ballast

Spanish Verbs

desatar (dehs-ah-tahr)
to untie

Spanish Nouns

el martillo (mahr-tee-yoh)
the hammer

Spanish Verbs

mimar (mee-mahr)
to pamper

Spanish Verbs

la bandeja de entrada (bahn-deh-hah deh ehn-trah-dah)
the inbox