Spanish Flashcards

Spanish Verbs

aborrecer (ah-boh-rreh-sehrr)
to abhor; to abandon

Spanish Adjectives

desprendido/a (dehs-prehn-dee-doh); generoso (heh-neh-roh-soh)

Spanish Adjectives

nefasto/a (neh-fahs-toh)

Spanish Verbs

pulir (poo-leer)
To sand

Spanish Verbs

convenir (kohm-beh-neer)
to be a good idea; to be advisable

Spanish Nouns

el rubro (rroo-broh)
the domain; the area

Spanish Nouns

asquear (ahs-keh-ahr)
to disgust

Spanish Verbs

estresar (ehs-treh-sahr)
to stress out

Spanish Phrases

ser reacio/a a...
"to be reluctant to..."

Spanish Nouns

el zurdo, la zurda (soor-doh)
the left-handed person

Spanish Adjectives

zurdo/a (soor-doh)

Spanish Nouns

Una gama (gah-mah)
The range; the spectrum

Spanish Verbs

calcinar (kahl-see-nahr)
To scorch; to char

Spanish Nouns

El reposo (rreh-poh-soh)
The rest; the repose

Spanish Phrases

pedir a gritos
"to cry out for"

Spanish Verbs

dotar (doh-tahr)
to equip with; to provide with

Spanish Adjectives

sesgado/a (sehs-gah-doh)

Spanish Verbs

oprimir (oh-pree-meer); reprimir
to oppress

Spanish Verbs

abarcar (ah-bahr-kahr)
to deal with; to cover

Spanish Body

una costilla (kohs-tee-yah)
a rib

Spanish Nouns

La Tregua
The rest; the truce

Spanish Phrases

¿Qué sigue?
"What's next?"

Spanish Nouns

un charco (chahr-koh)
a puddle

Spanish Nouns

la inestabilidad(een-ehs-tah-bee-lee-dahd)
the instability

Spanish Nouns

la gimnasia (heem-nah-syah)
the gymnastics