Spanish Flashcards

Spanish Verbs

alistar (ah-lees-tahr)
to prepare; to put on a list

Spanish Phrases

a voleo
"randomly", "thoughtlessly"

Spanish Phrases

¿Estoy en lo cierto?
"Am I right?"

Spanish Adjectives

desvanecerse (dehs-bah-neh-sehr-seh)
to faint; to dissipate; to fade away

Spanish Adjectives

remolcar (rreh-mohl-kahr)
to tow (a car or boat)

Spanish Phrases

hacerse a algo; acostumbrarse a algo
"to get used to something"

Spanish Nouns

la represalia (rreh-preh-sah-lyah)
the revenge; the retaliation

Spanish Phrases

me alegro por ti
"I am happy for you"

Spanish Nouns

el bulto (bool-toh)
the lump

Spanish Verbs

el bochorno
the sweltering day

Spanish Nouns

el número par
the even number

Spanish Nouns

el número inpar
the odd number

Spanish Nouns

el marcador
the scoreboard; the signpost

Spanish Body

el antebrazo (ahn-teh-brah-soh)
the forearm

Spanish Adjectives

ajetreado/a (ah-heh-treh-ah-doh)
busy (in a situation, such as a busy day)

Spanish Nouns

el transeúnte, la transeúnte (trahn-seh-oon-teh); el peatón, la peatona (peh-ah-tohn)
the pedestrian

Spanish Nouns

nimio/a (nee-myoh)
trivial; insignifiact

Spanish Nouns

el umbral (oom-brahl)
the threshold

Spanish Nouns

un tercio (tehr-syoh)
a third

Spanish Nouns

una maceta (mah-seh-tah)
a flower pot

Spanish Nouns

un reembolso; una devolución
a refund

Spanish Nouns

el cenicero
the ashtray

Spanish Verbs

curiosear (koo-ryoh-seh-ahr)
to nose around; to poke around

Spanish Verbs

blindar (bleen-dahr)
to armour plate

Spanish Phrases

"la verdad a medias"
"the half-truth"