Spanish Flashcards

Spanish Verbs

criar (kryahr)
to raise (to nurture)

Spanish Verbs

una manada
a herd; a pack

Spanish Verbs

una camada (kah-mah-dah)
a litter

Spanish Food

el albaricoque (ahl-bah-ree-koh-keh)
the apricot

Spanish Adjectives

reiterada/o (rrey-teh-rah-doh)

Spanish Verbs

la pandilla (pahn-dee-yah)
the gang

Spanish Nouns

la llanta (yahn-tah)
the tyre

Spanish Nouns

un convenio (kohn-beh-nyoh); un acuerdo (ah-kwehr-doh)
an agreement

Spanish Verbs

rescindir (rreh-seen-deer)
to rescind

Spanish Adjectives

abarrotado/a (ah-bah-rroh-tah-doh); atestado (ah-tehs-tah-doh)
packed; full

Spanish Adjectives

pegajoso/a (peh-gah-hoh-soh)

Spanish Nouns

la desnutrición (dehs-noo-tree-syohn)
the malnutrition

Spanish Nouns

los trastos (trahs-tohs)
the stuff (things)

Spanish Verbs

consagrar (kohn-sah-grahr)
to consecrate; to confirm (to give recognition to)

Spanish Nouns

el rasgo (rrahs-goh)
the feature

Spanish Phrases

girar en torno
"to revolve around"

Spanish Verbs

diferir (dee-feh-reer)
to differ

Spanish Verbs

cobijar (koh-bee-hahr); parapetar (pah-rah-peh-tahr)
to give shelter to

Spanish Phrases

"y de paso..."
"and while you/they/he/she is at it..."

Spanish Verbs

to get stuck; to get bogged down

Spanish Verbs

atascar (ah-tahs-kahr)
to block; to clog up

Spanish Verbs

agrietarse; agrietar (ah-gryeh-tahr); resquebrajar (rrehs-keh-brah-hahr)
to crack

Spanish Food

el guisante (gee-sahn-teh)
the pea

Spanish Nouns

la mecedora (meh-seh-doh-rah)
the rocking chair

Spanish Verbs

perdurar (pehr-doo-rahr)
to live on; to endure