Spanish Flashcards

Spanish Verbs

raspar (rrahs-pahr); rascar(rrahs-kahr)
to scrape

Spanish Nouns

el tallo (tah-yoh)
the stem

Spanish Verbs

agujerear (ah-goo-heh-reh-ahr)
to make holes in

Spanish Verbs

disponer (dees-poh-nehr)
to arrange; to set out; to stipulate

Spanish Food

un huevo duro (weh-boh doo-roh)
a hard-boiled egg

Spanish Food

el rábano (rrah-bah-noh)
the radish

Spanish Nouns

la lámina (lah-mee-nah)
the sheet (flattened material)

Spanish Nouns

un pellizco (peh-yees-koh); una pizca (pees-kah); pinchazo (peen-chah-soh)
a pinch

Spanish Food

la cebolleta (seh-boh-yeh-tah)
the spring onion

Spanish Verbs

aderezar (ah-deh-reh-sahr)
to season (food)

Spanish Verbs

asimilar (ah-see-mee-lahr)
to assimilate; to take-in

Spanish Food

el romero
the rosemary

Spanish Food

el pomelo
the grapefruit

Spanish Animals

el gusano (goo-sah-noh)
the worm

Spanish Animals

el guepardo (geh-pahr-doh)
the leopard

Spanish Animals

la ave (ah-beh); el pájaro (pah-hah-roh)
the bird

Spanish Nouns

la blandura (blahn-doo-rah)
the softness

Spanish Adjectives

zancudo/a (sahng-koo-doh)

Spanish Animals

la bandada (bahn-dah-dah)
the flock (of birds)

Spanish Animals

el rebaño (rreh-bah-nyoh)
the flock (of sheep)

Spanish Animals

el banco (bahng-koh)
the school (of fish)

Spanish Animals

reptar (rrehp-tahr)
to creep

Spanish Verbs

galopar (gah-loh-pahr)
to gallop

Spanish Nouns

una cucharada (koo-chah-rah-dah)
a spoonful; the tablespoon

Spanish Food

la pasa
the dried fruit