Spanish Flashcards

Spanish Nouns

la vista (bees-tah)
the view

Spanish Nouns

el oído (oh-ee-doh)
the sense of hearing

Spanish Nouns

el olfato
the sense of smell

Spanish Nouns

concurrir (kohng-koo-rreer)
to attend; to agree

Spanish Nouns

comulgar (koh-mool-gahr)
to take communion

Spanish Phrases

poner en entredicho
"to cast serious doubt on"; "to call into question"

Spanish Nouns

un despegue (dehs-peh-geh)
a take-off; a launch

Spanish Verbs

aplanar (ah-plah-nahr)
to level; to flatten

Spanish Verbs

probarse (proh-bahr-seh)
to try on

Spanish Verbs

reiniciar (rrey-nee-syahr); reanudar (rreh-ah-noo-dahr)
to restart

Spanish Verbs

editar (eh-dee-tahr)
to publish; to edit

Spanish Nouns

el alga (ahl-gah)
the seaweed

Spanish Food

la albóndiga (ahl-bohn-dee-gah)
the meatball

Spanish Food

el garbanzo (gahr-bahn-soh)
the chickpea

Spanish Nouns

la cucharadita (koo-chah-rah-dee-tah)
the teaspoon

Spanish Nouns

la cucharada (koo-chah-rah-dah)
the tablespoon

Spanish Nouns

el piñón (pee-nyohn)
the pinenut

Spanish Nouns

la avellana (ah-beh-yah-nah)
the hazelnut

Spanish Verbs

sofreír (soh-freh-eer)
to saute

Spanish Verbs

el comino (koh-mee-noh)
the cumin

Spanish Adjectives

blando/a; tierno (tyehr-noh)

Spanish Adjectives

to stir

Spanish Adjectives

desmenuzar (dehs-meh-noo-sahr)
to flake (fish); to crumble (bread or cake); to shread (meat)

Spanish Verbs

espesar (ehs-peh-sahr)
to thicken

Spanish Food

la hortaliza; el vegetal; la verdura
the vegetable