Spanish Flashcards

Spanish Phrases

más de la mitad
"more than half"

Spanish Adjectives

rallado/a (rrah-yah-doh)

Spanish Nouns

la rodaja (rroh-dah-hah); el trozo (troh-soh)
the slice

Spanish Phrases

muerto(s)/a(s) de hambre (mwehr-toh deh ahm-breh)
"dying of hunger"

Spanish Phrases

...por encima de mi cadáver
"...over my dead body"

Spanish Body

el cerebro (seh-reh-broh)
the brain

Spanish Phrases

No hay de qué
"don't mention it" (you're welcome)

Spanish Verbs

Trazar (trah-sahr)
To draw (a line or a character)

Spanish Verbs

esforzarse (ehs-fohr-sahr-seh); esmerarse (ehs-meh-rahr-seh)
to make an effort; to try hard

Spanish Verbs

cautivar (kow-tee-bahr)
to captivate

Spanish Verbs

to write a preface to

Spanish Nouns

una veintena (beyn-teh-nah)
a set of 20; a group of around 20

Spanish Adjectives

difunto/a (dee-foon-toh)

Spanish Adjectives

desgarrador/a (dehs-gah-rrah-dohr)
heart-rending; heart-breaking

Spanish Verbs

congeniar (kohng-heh-nyahr); llevarse (yeh-bahr-seh)
To get along

Spanish Nouns

la mochila (moh-chee-lah)
the backpack

Spanish Verbs

liarse (lyahr-seh)
to get disconcerted; to get embroiled

Spanish Verbs

botar (boh-tahr); desechar (dehs-eh-chahr)
to dispose of; to throw away

Spanish Phrases

tomar nota (toh-mahr noh-tah)
"to note down"; "to take note"

Spanish Verbs

rebelarse (rreh-beh-lahr-seh)
to rebel

Spanish Verbs

pacer (pah-sehr)
to graze on grass

Spanish Nouns

un despiste
a lack of attention; a lapse of concentration

Spanish Food

el apio (ah-pyoh)
the celery

Spanish Food

la hamburguesa (ahm-boor-geh-sah)
the hamburger

Spanish Food

satisfecho/a (sah-tees-feh-choh)