Spanish Flashcards

Spanish Verbs

refrenar (rreh-freh-nahr)
to restrain; to curb

Spanish Nouns

la financiación (fee-nahn-syah-syohn)
the funding

Spanish Verbs

parafrasear (pah-rah-frah-seh-ahr)
to paraphrase

Spanish Verbs

el defraudador; la defraudadora
the fraudster

Spanish Phrases

en tanto que; mientras que
"whereas", "while"

Spanish Animals

el renacuajo (rreh-nah-kwah-hoh); la renacuaja
the tadpole

Spanish Nouns

el ferrocarril (feh-rroh-kah-rreel)
the railroad

Spanish Verbs

Frotarse (froh-tahr-seh); frotar
To Rub

Spanish Verbs

Pellizcar (peh-yees-kahr)
To pinch

Spanish Verbs

Atorar (ah-toh-rahr); atascar (ah-tahs-kahr)
To block; to obstruct

Spanish Nouns

la memoria (meh-moh-ryah)
the memory

Spanish Phrases

al fin y al cabo...
"at the end of the day..."

Spanish Phrases

a la larga
"in the long term", "in the long run"

Spanish Phrases

a lo largo

Spanish Phrases

al principio (ahl prreen-see-pyoh)
"at the beginning"

Spanish Phrases

dejar atrás
"to leave behind", "to let go"

Spanish Phrases

de sobra
"enough", "plenty of", "perfectly well" (ie. you know perfectly well)

Spanish Adjectives

novato/a (noh-bah-toh)

Spanish Phrases

justo a la vuelta de la esquina hay un restaurante italiano
"just around the corner there is an Italian restaurant"

Spanish Phrases

es de los mejores
"is one of the best"

Spanish Verbs

referirse (rreh-feh-reer-seh)
to refer; to be related to

Spanish Adverbs

seguramente; probablemente (proh-bah-bleh-mehn-teh)

Spanish Verbs

llenarse (yeh-nahr-seh)
to get full; to eat a lot

Spanish Phrases

me refiero a que...; Quiero decir que...
"I mean that..."

Spanish Phrases

lo generosa que era la ración
"how generous the serving was"