Spanish Flashcards

Spanish Phrases

más que nada
"more than anything"

Spanish Nouns

una corcholata (kohr-choh-lah-tah)
a metal bottle cap

Spanish Nouns

una colilla (koh-lee-yah)
a cigarette butt

Spanish Nouns

recolectar (rreh-koh-lehk-tahr)
to collect; to harvest

Spanish Phrases

¿Cuánto mides?; ¿Qué tan alto eres?
How tall are you?

Spanish Phrases

basta con tener...
"just have..."

Spanish Verbs

suprimir (soo-pree-meer)
to eliminate; to delete

Spanish Adverbs


Spanish Nouns

una junta; una reunión (rreyoo-nyohn)
a meeting

Spanish Nouns

la expectativa (ehks-pehk-tah-tee-bah)
the expectation

Spanish Nouns

la gorra (goh-rrah)
the cap (hat)

Spanish Verbs

esparcir (ehs-pahr-seer)
to scatter; to disperse

Spanish Verbs

esparcirse (ehs-pahr-seer-seh)
to be dispersed

Spanish Verbs

To live together

Spanish Verbs

ocuparse (oh-koo-pahr-seh); encargarse (ehng-kahr-gahr-seh)
to deal with; to be in charge of

Spanish Nouns

el rebote (rreh-boh-teh)
the bounce

Spanish Adjectives

matutino/a (mah-too-tee-noh); matinal (mah-tee-nahl)
morning (adj. to be related to the morning)

Spanish Verbs

enrolar (ehn-rroh-lahr); enrolarse
to enlist

Spanish Nouns

la constancia (kohns-tahn-syah)
the perseverance

Spanish Verbs

atañer (ah-tah-nyehr)
to concern; to have to do with

Spanish Verbs

conllevar (kohn-yeh-bahr); implicar (eem-plee-kahr)
to entail; to involve

Spanish Verbs

tornarse (tohr-nahr-seh); convertirse (kohm-behr-teer-seh)
to convert; to become

Spanish Verbs

redundar; desembocar (dehs-ehm-boh-kahr)
to result in

Spanish Nouns

el boceto (boh-seh-toh)
the sketch; the preliminary design

Spanish Verbs

la alergia al polen
the hayfever