Spanish Flashcards

Spanish Verbs

esmerarse (ehs-meh-rahr-seh)
to go to a lot of effort

Spanish Phrases

Hasta lo que yo sé
"as far as I know"

Spanish Phrases

tomar vacaciones; tomar una vacación
"to take a holiday"

Spanish Verbs

empañarse (ehm-pah-nyahr-seh)
to steam up; to cover with steam

Spanish Body

la ceja
the eyebrow

Spanish Phrases

sin novedad
"much the same"; "no change"

Spanish Verbs

Apuntarse (ah-poon-tahr-seh)
to enrol; to be up for

Spanish Phrases

¿Qué hay acerca de ti?
"What about you?"

Spanish Body

una ampolla
a blister

Spanish Verbs

to crown

Spanish Phrases

trajo consigo
"it brought about"

Spanish Verbs

demorar (deh-moh-rahr); retrasar (rreh-trah-sahr)
to hold up (to delay); to delay

Spanish Verbs

botar; desechar
to throw away

Spanish Verbs

privilegar (pree-bee-leh-hyahr); favorecer (fah-boh-reh-sehr)
to favour

Spanish Verbs

to tone

Spanish Nouns

la fibra
the fibre; the vigour

Spanish Adjectives


Spanish Nouns

un tejido (teh-hee-doh)
a fabric; a material

Spanish Verbs

parapetarse (pah-rah-peh-tahr-seh)
to take shelter; to take refuge

Spanish Verbs

parapetar (pah-rah-peh-tahr); amparar (ahm-pah-rahr)
to shelter

Spanish Adjectives

crushed; flattened

Spanish Adjectives

restless; anxious

Spanish Phrases

en efecto
"that's right"

Spanish Nouns

la primicia (pree-mee-syah)
the exclusive; the scoop

Spanish Adjectives

innate; inborn