Spanish Flashcards

Spanish Phrases

me siente donde me siente
"wherever I sit"

Spanish Phrases

dejarse llevar
"to act on..."; "to get carried away..."; "to let oneself be carried away..."

Spanish Animals

el pingüino (peeng-gwee-noh)
the penguin

Spanish Phrases

de entrada
"from the get-go"

Spanish Nouns

el psiquiatra, la psiquiatra (see-kyah-trah)
the psychiatrist

Spanish Phrases

perder el tiempo
"to waste time"

Spanish Verbs

suponer (soo-poh-nehr)
to suppose; to mean

Spanish Verbs

abandonarse (ah-bahn-doh-nahr-seh)
to let oneself go; to give in

Spanish Adjectives

reposado; reposada (rreh-poh-sah-doh); sosegado/a (soh-seh-gah-doh); tranquilo (trahng-kee-loh)

Spanish Verbs

despistarse (dehs-pees-tahr-seh)
to lose one's concentration; to get side-tracked

Spanish Verbs

confundir (kohm-foon-deer)
to confuse

Spanish Adjectives

confundirse (kohm-foon-deer-seh); equivocarse (eh-kee-boh-kahr-seh)
to make a mistake; to get mixed up

Spanish Nouns

el trastorno del sueño
the sleep disorder

Spanish Verbs

intercalar (een-tehr-kah-lahr)
to insert; to alternate

Spanish Nouns

la butaca
the armchair

Spanish Adjectives

distendido/a (dees-tehn-dee-doh)
relaxed; distended

Spanish Nouns

la chispa
the spark

Spanish Nouns

el hallazgo (ah-yahs-goh); el descubrimiento
the discovery

Spanish Verbs

engullir (ehng-goo-yeer)
to gobble; to guzzle

Spanish Phrases

Voy seguido
"I go to a lot" (South American)

Spanish Adjectives

abrumador (ah-broo-mah-dohr)

Spanish Verbs

zarandearse; zarandear (sah-rahn-deh-ahr)
to toss about

Spanish Verbs

dar a conocer
"to make known", "to announce"

Spanish Verbs

admitir (ahd-mee-teer)
to admit (to let in); to accept (to let in)

Spanish Verbs

to disconnect; to switch off