Spanish Flashcards

Spanish Verbs

to set out to

Spanish Nouns

una minoría
a minority

Spanish Adjectives

ajena; ajeno
other people's; foreign

Spanish Nouns

el dicho
the saying

Spanish Nouns

la dicha; la alegría; el gozo (goh-soh)
the joy; the happiness

Spanish Adverbs

quietly; calmly

Spanish Verbs

to infuse; to fill with

Spanish Food

el calabacín (kah-lah-bah-seen)
the zucchini

Spanish Verbs

to disgust; to loathe

Spanish Nouns

un rasgo
a trait; a feature

Spanish Adjectives

atraido; atraida

Spanish Phrases

"sacar de quicio"
"to drive crazy"

Spanish Phrases

"a lo grande"
"in style"; "with a bang"

Spanish Adjectives

patoso; patosa; torpe

Spanish Phrases

"ser un hacha"
"to be an ace"; "to be outstanding"

Spanish Nouns

el aislamiento
the isolation

Spanish Verbs

deleitar (deh-lay-tahr)
to delight

Spanish Verbs

to peek; to come out

Spanish Verbs

mordisquear (mohr-dees-keh-ahr)
to nibble

Spanish Adverbs

súbitamente; de pronto

Spanish Phrases

me da náuseas...
"It makes me nauseous..."

Spanish Phrases

si me dan a elegir...
"if I have a choice..."

Spanish Phrases

hacer un feo
"to snub"

Spanish Nouns

el patrón
the pattern; the boss

Spanish Phrases

haga lo que haga
"whatever I do", "whatever you do"