Spanish Flashcards

Spanish Verbs

Acaparar (ah-kah-pah-rahr); acumular (uh-kyu-myu-leyr)
To Hoard; to accumulate

Spanish Phrases

No hay más remedio que...
"There is no other way than..."

Spanish Verbs

To Prop; to underpin; to support

Spanish Verbs

To Soothe; to calm

Spanish Verbs

Reventarse; estallar (ehs-tah-yahr)
To Burst

Spanish Verbs

Regañar (rreh-gah-nyahr)
To Scold

Spanish Verbs

To Segregate

Spanish Phrases

Menos mal
"Thank god"

Spanish Phrases

Dar coraje; dar rabia (dahr rrah-byah)
"To cause anger"

Spanish Phrases

Me hace gracia verte bailar; me hace reír verte bailar
It makes me laugh to see you dance

Spanish Verbs

To Match; to suit; to befit

Spanish Verbs

Edulcorar; endulzar
To Sweeten

Spanish Verbs

Amonestar (ah-moh-nehs-tahr); regañar (rreh-gah-nyahr); reprochar (rreh-proh-chahr)
To reprimand

Spanish Verbs

To Yearn

Spanish Verbs

To Requisition

Spanish Verbs

To Update

Spanish Verbs

Recapacitar; reconsiderar (rreh-kohn-see-deh-rahr)
To reconsider

Spanish Verbs

To tally (with)

Spanish Nouns

La implicación; el involucramiento (eem-boh-loo-krah-myehn-toh)
The involvement

Spanish Food

La pera
The pear

Spanish Nouns

Un grifo
A faucet

Spanish Nouns

Una bandeja
A tray

Spanish Verbs

To Dump; to tip over

Spanish Nouns

El estanque (ehs-tahng-keh)
The pond

Spanish Phrases

Estar de sobra
"To Be in the way'