Fill In The Blank Flashcards

Spanish Fill In The Blank

¿Quieres ser feliz? ¡Pasa ___ la gente negativa! You want to be happy? Stay away from negative people!

Spanish Fill In The Blank

Para ir a la biblioteca, Antonia tenía que pasar ___ el parque. To go to the library, Antonia had to go through the park.

Spanish Fill In The Blank

Quiero ser ___ bombero I want to be a fireman

Spanish Fill In The Blank

Quiero ser ___ bombero famoso I want to be a famous fireman

Spanish Fill In The Blank

No me canso de ___ (jugar) al tenis I never get tired of playing tennis

Spanish Fill In The Blank

me pongo a dar saltos de alegría cuando ___ (ver) a mi hermano I jump for joy when I see my brother

Spanish Fill In The Blank

disfruto a lo grande ___ (ir) a toda velocidad con la bici I really enjoy going full speed with the bike

Spanish Fill In The Blank

disfruto a lo grande si ___ (ir) en bici a toda velocidad I really enjoy it if I ride my bike at full speed

Spanish Fill In The Blank

disfruto a lo grande ___ mis hijos I really enjoy my children

Spanish Fill In The Blank

me siento atraído ___ Amelía I am attracted to Amelía

Spanish Fill In The Blank

no hay quien me gane ___ el ajedrez there is noone no one who can beat me at chess
al (a + el)

Spanish Fill In The Blank

soy un hacha ___ el ajedrez I am really good at chess

Spanish Fill In The Blank

soy un hacha ___ (jugar) al ajedrez I am really good at playing chess

Spanish Fill In The Blank

me pone de un humor de perros ___ (levantarse) antes de las 7h It puts me in a foul mood getting up before 7am.

Spanish Fill In The Blank

si me dan a elegir, ___ (ir) de vacaciones a Brasil If I have a choice, I would go on vacation to Brazil

Spanish Fill In The Blank

si me dieran a elegir, ___ (quedarse) con el grande If they gave me a choice, I would keep the big one
me quedaría; me quedaba

Spanish Fill In The Blank

me pone de un humor de perros que la gente ___ (criticar) mi forma de pensar it puts me in a foul mood that people criticize my way of thinking

Spanish Conjugation

___ (querer) que ___ (venir) I wanted you to come
Quería; vinieras

Spanish Fill In The Blank

___ (querer) que ___ (venir) I would want you to come
querría; vinieras

Spanish Fill In The Blank

Te llamé para ___ me contaras cómo estás I called so that you could tell me how you are

Spanish Fill In The Blank

Ampliaron el negocio con miras a ___ mejorar sus ventas They expanded the business with a view to improving their sales

Spanish Fill In The Blank

Se reunieron con la intención de ___ encontrar una solución They met with the intention of finding a solution

Spanish Fill In The Blank

Voy al médico a ___ me recete algo I go to the doctor so that he can prescribe something for me

Spanish Verbs

Escóndate, ___ que no te vean Hide, so that they don't see you
Ø (la oración principal es un mandato)

Spanish Fill In The Blank

Llevaré un paraguas, no sea ___ me moje I'll carry an umbrella, so I don't get wet