Spanish Flashcards

Spanish Phrases

Darse corte
"To feel awkward"

Spanish Verbs

To Train; to start; to make one's debut

Spanish Verbs

armar (ahr-mahr); ensamblar (ehn-sahm-blahr)
To assemble

Spanish Verbs

To rate

Spanish Verbs

To Drip; to leak

Spanish Nouns

El inodoro (ee-noh-doh-roh)
The toilet

Spanish Nouns

El guía; la guía
the guide

Spanish Verbs

To Decimate

Spanish Nouns

La parte
The part

Spanish Verbs

To Disrupt; to thwart

Spanish Verbs

Desmantelar; desmontar (dehs-mohn-tahr)
To Dismantle

Spanish Verbs

Irritar; fastidiar
To Irritate

Spanish Verbs

fichar; apuntarse (ah-poon-tahr-seh)
To Sign up

Spanish Verbs

desperdiciar (dehs-pehr-dee-syahr)
To waste

Spanish Verbs

Suministrar; abastecer (ah-bahs-teh-sehr)
To Supply

Spanish Phrases

Tanto si llueve como si no llueve, iré
Whether or not it's raining, I will go

Spanish Phrases

Por más esfuerzo que hago, no recuerdo los verbos irregulares
Despite how much effort I make, I don't remember the irregular verbs

Spanish Phrases

Llegué tarde, y eso que tomé el tren temprano
I arrived late, even though I took the early train

Spanish Phrases

Aunque haga mal tiempo, iré a la playa
Even if it is bad weather, I will go to the beach

Spanish Phrases

Aunque hace mal tiempo, iré a la playa
Even though the weather is bad, I will go to the beach

Spanish Verbs

To Cry out for; to protest

Spanish Verbs

To Roll; to roll up; to complicate

Spanish Nouns

To Roll; to roll up; to complicate

Spanish Nouns

La barbaridad
The barbarity; something stupid

Spanish Verbs

Apechugar (ah-peh-choo-gahr)
To face up to; to put up with